What is Luxury?

Tims Majalisa

Inspiration comes from the most unusual places and situations. It definitely doesn’t come when I want it to, it just sort of pops up like that friend, the one whose messages range from one urgent 2k need to the next, we all have that one friend. But then, doesn’t that make us all that one friend? Food for thought.

Anyway, today’s inspiration came from my sleep getting interrupted, and me trying to get back to sleep. And No, I wasn’t annoyed, surprisingly, because I really needed this sleep. Rather, calm, very calm. I guess that’s what got me thinking in the first place. But what that thought was ended up being so random, I just had to stop trying to get back to sleep, shush the “you will definitely remember this later when you get up, just go back to sleep “ voice, and started listening and writing. There’s something…

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