Dear Old age I will not look at my mates please.

You never realize how funny life really is till she plays a fast hand at you. I described life as a female because like it’s gender, it is dynamic in nature. Dynamism means it is subtle to change. However the concept, change is constant and change is good. One minute you are seated with pals discussing what life holds. The next you are living the life you spoke about. It’s change coz no longer are you seated but acting out the verb; living.

I’m 23 now, in 2 weeks time I’ll probably be 24. “Probably” because my momma makes a conscious effort to double my age so I get up and leave her house instantly and start out at my own version and episodes of life.

I’m 23 now and despite the fact half the time I feel I’ve failed and sucked at life, I have a rather clear conscience which reminds me of the small but somewhat great strides I’ve put up and accomplished for myself.

When I was 16, I planned by 23 I would be called to bar whilst also serving my country which means 5 years university, 1 year Law school at Kano Law school and 1 year mandatory youth service. Rather at 23, I studied political science for 4 years,whilst also counting the mandatory 1 and half years my school dedicates to wasting your life. That one year wastage should be filled with something to better your life by yourself. In my case, my mother urged me to learn basic entrepreneurial skills because in my country after getting a degree my government welcomes a fresh group of graduates into the “No Job” available sector.
My friends with which I made these plans with are either at law school, done with youth service, employed or married with kids. In all these happenings, I didn’t forget what the real goal was though. Am I happy with myself? Yes. Am I happy for my friends? Yes. At 23, I’m listing my gains.
I got a degree from a reputable university. I studied political science for four years and I look forward to having my masters in either “International relations”, “War Studies/military studies” or even “Political economy” once I convince myself I can do it. I am after all my mother’s daughter. I can do whatever I set my heart to do and accomplish and break barriers that have been set up to derail my kind.
I am going to serve my country in due time. I am set to embark on a second degree cause the first was just to show me just how dynamic my strengths are.

At 23, I discovered my strengths in various fields. I discovered my weaknesses too. I realized it’s okay to take a break from everything cause my mental and physical health is important, it doesn’t make me a failure. I discovered at 23, this body is never going down I should accept it the way my bones have agreed to set. It’s time to stop lying to the gym instructor whenever he calls I’ll be coming by the studio soon. Na fat I fat, I no kill person. At 23 I discovered I have an insatiable sweet tooth, well guess who learned to bake? Yup, you answered right. At 23 I lost a few good people but I also gained a few good people too, I became better at maintaining relationships. At 23 I finally agreed not everyone can understand me but don’t be mistaken a baby girl is still loved by these people albeit secretly😹. At 23 I discovered my bad habits, let’s all agree we’re working on them. At 23 I also finally agreed New year resolutions for me na every day thing, the Lord’s grace would see me through.

At 23 I had a fair amount of shed tears, felt pains, beautiful laughter and unrivalled grace that saw me through the drama that was 2018. People keep saying it was a trying year this year, it’s almost agreeable but I’ll debate it. 2018 was the year for testing of strengths and best believe I made it.

To the special people who made 2018 worth it, thank you.

Dynamic. Excellent. Icon


Why do men choose to be Scum?

Those of you without boyfriends do not know what the Lord has done for you. It is really a celebratory thing hence do not let anyone tell you otherwise. You may be challenged by this crazy obsessive boyfriend people; talk about how do you manage without having someone to cuddle with while you sleep? How do you open your hard jars? Who zips down your dress when you can’t reach it?? The best yet is when you’re asked “who likes and gasses up your instagram posts?” <insert eye roll> It doesn’t help too the WHO terms single people as being disabled. Just wow.

Do not sweat it though coz beneath all the brouhaha couples put up for us to see and feel oppressed, they have it hard biko. For God’s sake, can you imagine having to share suya and masa with another person every other time you buy? Having to be in despair when the issue of buying food comes into play all because your significant other doesn’t like onion?? Ohh the horror. Worse, when your Plus-One is an overgrown baby who demands holding of body parts every second of the day?? Don’t heat affect you though dear man? I really want to know…arrrghhh.

Now you see, being in a relationship is hard work. This baby girl cannot decide to be a baby tiger on her own accord. This baby girl has to deal with waxing and shaving every other day(don’t ask me why removal of body hair is almost essential abeg.I do not know,it’s not from my blog or mouth you’ll derive your information from). A baby girl cannot decide to wear boxers underneath her gown, lacy frills every moment coz you really are a gift that should be offered with ribbons and frills. Also, these days it denotes being sexy or more appealing, boxer short is a turn off.
As a partner in a relationship do you know the amazing offers you miss out on just because a steady man is in the picture?? No, of course you don’t. You’re almost imprisoned😭😂 for sake of world peace baby girl, you are not allowed to have new friends or give out your number to New investors. You are not obligated to getting offers from kind men in malls and their lots, no other man is allowed to offer to pay for stuff you buy. You’re not even permitted to flirt or wink at random men who open doors for you too and this is not because you’re suddenly a strong black independent woman. You can’t reply amazing Dms on the gram. The worse of it is being unable to shout “Yeah Yeah” when Wizkid calls out all the single ladies in the house should say yeah yeah…do you really want to offend your manager in the concert hall?? Arrghhh…the horror😭 Ohhh…did I make mention of how it’s not allowed you hug another male for 0.25seconds longer than necessary?? Yasss, that too lest your 26years old baby starts doubting you and throwing insecurity down your throat.
P.s: Dear Male reading this, I do hope you discover on time I’m not bashing your gender here abeg. It’s therefore not allowed to attack me😏💖 I have a man with 3 other steady men, I’m not bitter please.
Anyhow, I’ve been nagging all week coz man friend offended my peace of mind this week. I’ve not seen man friend in a year and I’ve been holding myself down for the longest coz “Black Men(me) don’t cheat”- Travis Scott 2018.
The man friend is a Doctor(which is an added advantage by the way coz he knows the essential parts of the body that should be taken care of with immense dedication) and he has been busy saving the world one medical book at a time, hence his being unavailable the entire year. He informed me of his coming over by the weekend to spend time with the EBUBE(a-Boo-Bae) of his life, Me. I decided to plough the farmlands you know, threw away my old tools, got new work clothes. Some fine ass lacy materials, was destroying my Google search history with reasons why eating pineapple this period was essential, gaddemit I even got a new scent coz we were born ready mehnn and God forbid I disgrace my village people and my ancestors before me. The Man friend finally came through, twas all shades of emotions please. He decided to spend the first day with his mendem and the next day was dedicated to me. We began my day on a high note,I had a LBD on coz I’ve got to be the highest cheerleader here😂 We stepped out for the day and boomm…his crazy ass superior decided to page him about some important shiit that came up at his life work……jfkdkfjfbfkfbdknd…and yet y’all keep wondering why Taraji Henson went crazy in that lousy ass movie Robert was supposed to die in.
My man friend had to leave. He left my ass high and dry dammit😒 Igbo boys are supposed to be amazing for God’s sake😭😭

Fine ass LBD that didn’t use its glory…

The point of this story dear one is, stay single. You have no idea how amazing your life is without having useless expectations that will always be ruined coz MenareScum..
P.s: Oh and yes, I started losing my eggs the very day so thank God for small blessings.
Stay single and flourish with investors gathered left,right and centre. Shine dear Queen.

With love and kisses😂,

Continue reading Why do men choose to be Scum?